A day dedicated to pets in Missoula

Aug 18, 2012 5:46 PM by Tara Oster – KPAX News

MISSOULA- Caras Park is always buzzing with activity in the summertime, but on Saturday the focus was not on human, but on our four-legged friends.

The seventh annual Pet Fest promoted responsible pet ownership. Several different animal shelters from across Montana brought pets available for adoption.
Missoula Animal Control brought a few of their adoptable cats and dogs out in hopes of finding them new homes. They also stressed the need for licensing your dog both in the city and the county.

A lucky pup was adopted early in the day, and Animal Shelter Attendant Nikki Munro said that’s the great part about Pet Fest.

“That’s probably the most rewarding because we get pretty attached to these animals – working with them every day. And finding a home that will really let them lie on the couch and share the bed with them it’s just an awesome feeling,” she said.

Saturday was also International Homeless Animals’ Day and Pet Fest organizers requested attendees bring animal food donations to help out all the homeless animals.